IPNHK POET | Yoko Tawada

Toko Tawada

Yoko Tawada was born in Tokyo in 1960. She was educated at Waseda University and has lived in Germany since 1982, where she received her Ph.D. in German literature. She writes in both German and Japanese and was awarded the prestigious Akutagawa Prize for her short story “The Bridegroom Was a Dog.” In 1996, she won the Adalbert-von-Chamisso Prize. She also received the Goethe-Medal, an official decoration of the Federal Republic of Germany. English translations of her poetry include The Bridegroom Was a Dog (Kodansha International 1999), Where Europe Begins (New Directions, 2002), Facing the Bridge (New Directions, 2007), and The Naked Eye (New Directions, 2009).

多和田葉子,日本當代用日、德雙語寫作的小說家和詩人,生於東京。1982年移居德國,後獲得德國文學博士學位。1993年以短篇小說《倒插門的狗女婿》獲芥川獎, 1996年獲德國沙米索文學獎(Adalbert-von-Chamisso Prize),以及德意志聯邦共和國歌德勳章。英譯的小說和詩集包括《倒插門的狗女婿》、《歐陸開始的地方》、《面對橋樑》、《裸眼》等。