IPNHK POET | Zeyar Lynn

Zeyar Lynn

Zeyar Lynn, a contemporary Myanmar poet, has already published seven collections of poetry, two anthologies of miscellaneous poetry translations of internationally acclaimed poets, including Chinese, five translations of poems by Sylvia Plath, modern Japanese poetry, Japanese tanka, John Ashbery, and Charles Bernstein, and three books of collected articles on poetry and poetics. He also translates from Myanmar to English.

e is known in the Myanmar poetry world for having introduced post-Soviet Russian poetry, the New York School, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry/Writing, Flarf, and what is generally termed “postmodern” poetry. He was also the first to organize the UNESCO World Poetry Day event in Yangon, which has now become popular throughout the country.

He has earned a reputation in Myanmar for having broken against the mainstream “Khit Por” (Myanmar for “modern”) poetry and set out a different path that is recognizably constructivist rather than expressionist, cerebral rather than emotional, while at the same time not losing sight of the political events in society. His Post-Khitpor Manifesto (2004) opened the way for the younger generation to look for a way out of the dominant and mainstream poetic model. While Khit Por is still mainstream, contemporary poetry has now become its alternative, or “Other”.

He participated in the 2012 London Parnassus International Poetry Festival. His poems have appeared in English in Bones Will Crow: 15 Contemporary Burmese Poets. Currently, he lives in Yangon where he teaches English in a private school and also works as an editor of the tri-quarterly Myanmar poetry magazine called Poetry World.



林恩在仰光首辦聯合國教科文組織「世界詩歌日」,現在該活動已在緬甸廣為人知。 在緬甸,林恩打破主流的「現代」(緬甸文為Khit Por)詩而享負盛名。他開創了一個新的詩歌方向,偏重建構而非表達,偏重理智而非抒情 。同時,他一直關注社會政治事件。他於2004年發表「後現代(Post-Khitpor)宣言 」,啟發年輕一代去發掘一條正統和主流詩歌模式之外的新路徑。「現代」(Khit Por)詩歌仍是主流,「當代詩」卻已成為「另類」詩歌。
